A reminder to all members that term 3 commences tomorrow Monday July 19th.
Also a note from the Secretary regarding the term 3 program.
Making the Most of your Device with Kat. This group is scheduled to run fortnightly on Thursday mornings from 9am to 10am but will only go ahead if there is enough people enrolling. As the first session is due to be held on Thursday 29th July (week 2) and I currently do not have any people enrolled I am calling for your registration by the end of the first week eg Friday 23rd July or I will need to cancel the sessions.
Rather than a specific topic Kat has found that this format has worked well with other groups where she answers questions based on the needs of the attendees. She can assist with both apple and android devices.
The second reminder is for the Friday Forays.
Agatha Christie and Her Life – David Milner on Friday 30th July 1.30pm – don’t forget to let me know if you are intending to come so the room can be set up appropriately. I currently have 13 people registered.
Maximising My Independence – Terry Boswell from COTA on Friday 13th August at 1.30pm. Registration is important for room set up also.