News and Events

2021 Term 3 Program

The Term 3 2021 newsletter and program are now available. Look under News and Events and Activities.

Friday Foray – Agatha Christie

The Friday Foray for the Agatha Christie talk, which was originally planned for earlier in the year is now on Friday 30th July.

If you registered to attend please ensure you contact the secretary to confirm if you wish to attend the talk on the new scheduled date.

AGM & Special General Meeting

A special thanks to all members who attended the AGM and Special General Meeting on February 10th. The Special General Meeting voted to adopt the proposed amendments to the constitution with one minor change to the wording of the clause on eligibility requirements. The revised constitution with now be lodged with the South Australian Department of Consumer & Business Affairs. Once the approval process is completed an amended copy of the Constitution will be loaded on the Gawler U3A website, if required.

The AGM elected a new committee. All positions were filled expect for that of Secretary. This position is vital to the ongoing success of Gawler U3A. All members are strongly encouraged to consider volunteering for the position. Fran Mason has kindly offered to provide support to assist the new secretary “settle in”. Although there is currently a significant workload the committee is looking to better share some of the Secretary’s tasks amongst the committee. The objective is to ensure that all committee members share the workload to make the Secretary’s job easier.

Special General Meeting Update

The special general meeting commences at 1:30pm not 1:00pm as previously advised. The earlier post has been updated to reflect the correction.


A reminder to all members that the Special General Meeting and AGM will be held next Wednesday, 10th February, from 1:30 pm. 

We are hoping for as many members as possible to attend in order to show their support to the hard-working committee. 

A reminder that the Secretary’s position will be vacant.  A second position of Membership/Program Coordinator is a possible option, dividing the roles currently undertaken. 

Please ask your members to consider taking on one of these roles, even for a 12 month period. 

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Registration Term 1 2021

A reminder to all members that registration for Term 1 is Wednesday January 13th. To assist the committee manage registration, given the current Covid-19, it would be appreciated if, where possible, members pay their membership fee by direct deposit (through your bank or on-line) or cheque and then email or post the registration form and cheque to U3A Gawler.

If you did wish to attend the registration day please ensure that you complete your registration as promptly as possible and then vacate the registration area. To minimise any congestion in the registration area it would be appreciated if members with a surname starting with A to L attended between 10 and noon and the remainder from noon to 2pm. Please be aware that leaders will not be in attendance on registration day.

Please refer to your Term 1 2021 Newsletter for further details.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all the members of Gawler U3A. Have an enjoyable, relaxing and safe Christmas.