Now that you are out of party mode here are some important dates to remember. Enrolment Day January 10 10:00am to 1:30pm. Enrol by attending the Enrolment day or use the online form. Click here to access the online Enrolment Form.Term 1 commences on the January 29th.Click here to view a copy of the program for Term 1. The AGM will be held on February 14th, at the Gawler Sport and Community Centre, from 10:00am to 10:30am
Some of our members made a visit to the National Military Motor Museum at Edinburgh on Friday May 26th.
The museum is located in some WW2 era buildings within the Defence precinct of Edinburgh Parks. The majority of the vehicles are privately owned with the members being responsible for their own vehicles. The vehicles have been rebuilt to authentic running condition and most are road registered and driven regularly. In addition to the military vehicles there are other items ranging from the First World War to current times.
A Leaders Meeting was held at the Gawler Gawler Sports and Community Centre on Friday April 21st. This provided an opportunity for the Leaders and the Committee to discuss a range of issues relevant to Gawler U3A. During the meeting Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Sue Stanner, Pauline Barton, Ann Weiss, Berlinda Swyghuizen, Jenny Dorsett, Joyce Fox and Jo Riley in recognition of at least 5 years dedicated service, as Leaders, to Gawler U3A. Fran & Graham Mason, Maggie Cope, Jacq Lerwill, Alan Gill, Linda Johnston, Noreen Hodgson and Deanne Lecerf, who were unable to attend the meeting, will be presented with certificates at a later stage. Following the meeting the Leaders and Committee Members adjourned to Nixon’s for a very enjoyable lunch. Our thanks to Nixon’s management and staff for opening especially for Gawler U3A.
A Happy New Year to all of our members and a reminder that Registration Day is Wednesday January 11th from 10am to 2pm at the Gawler Sport & Community Centre. Don’t forget that you can pay the membership fee direct to the Gawler U3A Bank Account if you wish. Remember to use your Surname & 2023 as the reference. Fees for 2023 are $30 or $50 for a household.
You can also register online, if you want to save yourself a trip to the Community Centre on a hot day, on the Activities page then the Enrolment page of the website.
The Gawler U3A Christmas party was held at the Nixon Function Centre on December 15th. About 90 members enjoyed the food, catering by Nixon’s, and the entertainment. Some lucky members walked away with some great prizes from the raffle. Life Membership was awarded to Fran Mason and Pauline Barton for their contribution to the club over many years. Special thanks to our hard-working Secretary, Jill Richard, for all her efforts that ensured a successful and enjoyable afternoon.
On behalf of the committee Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the members of Gawler U3A.
I will also take this opportunity to remind members of two important dates coming up early in the new year. Enrolment day for the 2023 is Wednesday January 11th. Don’t forget that your enrolment can be completed online if you wish to save yourself a trip to Gawler Sport and Recreation Centre.
Then on February 15th is the Gawler U3A AGM. Here is your opportunity to show your support for Gawler U3A by nominating for a position on the committee. Nomination forms went out with the renewal reminder notice.
A small group of members took the opportunity to attend the Friday Foray – Road safety for Older Road Users. The session was very informative with plenty of opportunities for questions. Our thanks to the SA Police safety Centre for a very enjoyable and interesting Friday Foray.
Don’t forget the next Friday Foray – Lunch and musical entertainment at the Salvation Army Cafe November 11th at 12 Noon.
A reminder to all members that the Gawler U3A Christmas lunch / End of Year Celebration will be held at Nixons’ Function Centre on Thursday 15th of December. Book with Jill, by email to Gawler U3A or online on the website. Pre-order and pre-payment are required. Click here for a copy of the menu. Click here to go to the online booking form.
Please don’t forget to book into the Friday Forays – the first one is on Friday 28th October at 1.30pm in the multipurpose room
“Road Safety for Older Road Users” a presentation by S A Police. With the scary drivers that are out there on the roads these days I am sure we can all do with some hints and tips on how to be safer and more aware of ways to survive should we be confronted with a situation that we may find ourselves in.
The Term 4 Newsletter and Program are now available. Click on News and Events then Newsletter to view and download the Term 4 Newsletter and Gawler U3A Activities and General Information for the program.