It was pleasing to see a good attendance at the 2025 Registration Day. A special thanks to the leaders and committee members who arrived early to set up for the day and stayed after to assist in cleaning up. A extra special mention from me to the supplier of the biscuits. Very tasty.
The day was very successful with a good mix of new and renewing members. This year we were fortunate to have some leaders on hand to talk to about their particular activity. Judging by the number of members congregating in the leader area the opportunity to talk to the leaders was appreciated.
With the registration day now complete we can look forward to the start the first term of 2025, which is just a few weeks away. Don’t forget the AGM on Feb 12th at 9:15am. The time has been specially arranged to allow you to attend and still make it to activities commencing at 10am
Happy New Year to all Gawler U3A members. I hope you have had a good start to the new year. A reminder that 2025 Registration Day is on January Wednesday 15th from 10:00am to 1:00pm. As previously advised the Activity Leaders will be in attendance at the Registration Day. Remember if you can’t attend the Registration Day you can use the online registration form to renew your membership and register for activities.
The Gawler U3A Christmas Dinner was held at Nixon’s on Friday the 13th. Despite it being an “unlucky” day the members had a abundance of good food and great company for the final activity of the year. Some members had more than their fair share of luck by winning the raffle, the prizes being annual membership of Gawler U3A.
A reminder that the registration day for 2025 is on January 15th from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Remember this year the leaders will be in attendance, so don’t miss this this opportunity to talk to the leader of any activity you may be interested in but haven’t yet attended.
Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank them for their support during the year.
As we come to the end of our ‘school’ year I would like to thank everyone for their attendance. input and the friendship shown to each other throughout the year.
Our last newsletter for the year prepared by Fran and the Term 1 2025 timetable are now available. Printed copies of these documents will be available from the display in the reception area of the Sport & Community Centre after 5th December.
Our Italian language class leader has been unwell and unable to meet the Newsletter deadline so I will attach a document from her regarding the class and future possibilities.
In the very near future you will receive a letter concerning your re-enrolment for 2025. Please follow the directions and complete the forms required to ensure your membership and class enrolment is achieved. Payment instructions are on the documentation. Enrolment in person can be made on Wednesday 15th January between 10am and 1pm. Cash payment can be accepted on that day – Group leaders will be in attendance for you to have a chat with and ask any questions about the class you may have. Spread the word and let your friends know too.
New name badges will not be issued for 2025 unless yours has been lost or become damaged and you request a one. Any people who enrol to U3A Gawler for the first time will have name badges provided before the first class they attend. Class enrolment is essential to ensure you are on the attendance sheet – if not, it will be presumed you are not a financial member and be asked to make payment before attending a second group/class.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas & Health, Happiness and Good Times in 2025.
Welcome back members. Hopefully everyone has had a good start to term 4.
A couple of reminders from Jill, our Secretary. Come and Try – Circle Dancing on Thursday 31st October at 2pm-3pm in the Stone Pavilion (where line dancing and tai chi classes are held). This is a one off and should it prove to be popular we will include it as a regular group next year. If you are keen and cannot attend on 31st please let Jill know.
Christmas lunch 13th December– it’s time to think about if you are going to come and place your order and payment. Final rsvp is 11th November. Details were in the newsletter and are on the noticeboard in the hallway at the Recreation Centre.
Thirty four members attended the 2024 AGM at the Gawler Sport and Community Centre. Members attending where welcomed and thanked for their attendance by Marie Wilson (Chairperson). After reports by the Secretary and Treasurer all positions where declared vacant. All positions on the committee were filled unopposed. The new committee comprises Marie Wilson (Chairperson), Stuart Dunk (Treasurer), Jill Richard (Secretary) and Fran Mason, Libby Clift, Kim Rainsford, Margaret Raggatt, Kathryn Warburton and Lyn Hill (Committee Members).
Now that you are out of party mode here are some important dates to remember. Enrolment Day January 10 10:00am to 1:30pm. Enrol by attending the Enrolment day or use the online form. Click here to access the online Enrolment Form.Term 1 commences on the January 29th.Click here to view a copy of the program for Term 1. The AGM will be held on February 14th, at the Gawler Sport and Community Centre, from 10:00am to 10:30am
Some of our members made a visit to the National Military Motor Museum at Edinburgh on Friday May 26th.
The museum is located in some WW2 era buildings within the Defence precinct of Edinburgh Parks. The majority of the vehicles are privately owned with the members being responsible for their own vehicles. The vehicles have been rebuilt to authentic running condition and most are road registered and driven regularly. In addition to the military vehicles there are other items ranging from the First World War to current times.
A Leaders Meeting was held at the Gawler Gawler Sports and Community Centre on Friday April 21st. This provided an opportunity for the Leaders and the Committee to discuss a range of issues relevant to Gawler U3A. During the meeting Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Sue Stanner, Pauline Barton, Ann Weiss, Berlinda Swyghuizen, Jenny Dorsett, Joyce Fox and Jo Riley in recognition of at least 5 years dedicated service, as Leaders, to Gawler U3A. Fran & Graham Mason, Maggie Cope, Jacq Lerwill, Alan Gill, Linda Johnston, Noreen Hodgson and Deanne Lecerf, who were unable to attend the meeting, will be presented with certificates at a later stage. Following the meeting the Leaders and Committee Members adjourned to Nixon’s for a very enjoyable lunch. Our thanks to Nixon’s management and staff for opening especially for Gawler U3A.
A Happy New Year to all of our members and a reminder that Registration Day is Wednesday January 11th from 10am to 2pm at the Gawler Sport & Community Centre. Don’t forget that you can pay the membership fee direct to the Gawler U3A Bank Account if you wish. Remember to use your Surname & 2023 as the reference. Fees for 2023 are $30 or $50 for a household.
You can also register online, if you want to save yourself a trip to the Community Centre on a hot day, on the Activities page then the Enrolment page of the website.